The State of Things
/Hey everyone, it has been a bumpy ride in the last couple of weeks. There have been much fewer posts since summer and since 1981 week it has gotten worse. Four posts in over a month is not how I want this blog to be. But a constant lack of time and recently some technical difficulties make it hard to keep up the pace. I just hope no one is giving up because I really hope things will get better eventually. Maybe not right now, maybe it will take some time, but I don't plan to stop writing anytime soon. Stay tuned!
1 Year a Blog (How Time's Flown / Haven't You Grown)
/Wow, it’s really true. On this day, exactly one year ago, I started my blog, a culmination of thoughts, wishes and inspirations that had been gathering inside me for a while, with no real clue how it would turn out or if I’d ever be able to stay with it. Because on all my creative projects over the years, the biggest problem was always consistency, to keep doing it even beyond the first excitement of starting something. And now, twelve months later, I’m still here, still writing and I’m not planning on stopping. A good time to pause and reflect upon what happened and what it means.
Read MoreThe State of Things
/Sorry for the little hiatus (the longest ever). Theme weeks seem to both really inspire and then drain me afterwards. Coupled with a lot of stress in school, I just couldn’t get down to writing anything. I think I might have needed a little break, too. Things should be back to normal soon, though. I have some ideas for the future and will be happy to start posting regularly again.
1-0-0, That Spells 100!
/Well, it might be silly to some, but I can’t help but celebrate a little that this is my 100th post! It’s 100, you know? 100 posts in about four months. Again, maybe that doesn’t sound much to you, but I did not expect that to happen when I started this blog in May and I certainly didn’t expect to hit that mark so soon. But here we are and I want to spend the time today with reflecting and analyzing what happened in that time and in my posts. So the same as I’m doing all the time, just a bit more meta and self-indulgent.
Read MoreLooking Back at 1980 Week
/As I said at the beginning of the week, this was an experiment. I had this crazy idea to do a theme week on one year and to continue doing that on random years in the future. I really enjoyed planning and writing it, but I’m not sure how well it was received. The statistics are never as clear as I wish and while the number of visitors was good, it was a bit worse than the last two weeks. I don’t take the statistics seriously enough to say it was a flop, but without any other feedback, I don’t have much to go on.
Read MoreNote of Absence
/Hello everyone!
I'll be on holiday for a single week and because I'll be internet-free and because I should take a break from my daily schedule and because I wasn't able to write seven posts in advance (I tried!), the next seven days will be lighter on content. That means only three posts for eight days. I'll assume I can return to my daily schedule on Saturday the 15th. None of these three articles will be a movie review because my busy life schedule didn't allow me more time for movies, so there is an additional shake-up of my normal routine. I hope no one jumps ship and everyone will be back with me next week.
See you then!